I write about my favorite celebration. My favorite celebration is Tanabata. Tanabata is a Japanese star festival, originating from the Chinese Qixi Festival. This is celebrated in July 7. According to legend, the Milky Way separates lovers (Orihime and Hikoboshi) and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day. Nowadays, we write on a piece of paper about wishes and decolate bamboo bush. When I was child, I wrote about a wish, but I don't remember that. In my hometown, there is a Tanabata Festival every year. I like it. I want to join the festival.
Hi Kinari, How are you doing? TANABATA is very good because it is very romantic story, right? In addition, we can write a paper for granting a wish. Is there the favorite holiday elsewhere? If yes, please tell me your opiinion.
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